Mage & Minions Wikia
    • If searching for story, see Ragadam.

Books are the main part of the story mode and introduce players to the in-game lore. They have a cost of 3 Gold to be sold, so they are useless for trading.

They can be looted from specific levels that will give you one of these (if you already have this item in your inventory or Chest, you cannot loot these items anymore. However if this item is placed in your other hero, it can be collected from the hero you are currently playing).

Known books[]

  • Letter by Professor Alistair Thadden - This book can be obtained in level called Road to Anderra, on planet Elderath.
  • Gorgona's origin - This book can be obtained in the level called Misly Island, level 20 of the hero is required.
  • Project Desparia - This book can be obtained in the level called The Scent of home, on planet Levania.
  • Pyramids of the Gods - This book can be obtained in the level called Beneath the Pyramids level, on planet Nirgal.
  • Gorlak Wins! - This book can be obtained in the level Ruins of Minaris, the level on planet Nirgal.


  • These items let players go in-depth in the story, revealing various secrets of each planet.