See also: Warrior Abilities
Warrior defensive builds[]
Encrypted Defender - using build based upon Encrypted Shield.
Rylocked Deflector - using build based upon Rylocke's Deflector.
Warrior offensive builds[]
Templar - using build based upon full Juggernaut's set.
Deidred Knight - using build based upon 2 Deidre's resolves swords.
See also: Mage Abilities
Mage offensive builds[]
Elemental Sorcerer - using build based upon elemental powers.
Fire Mage
Ice Mage
Arcane Mage
Mage defensive builds[]
Time Traveller - using build based upon the skill Time Warp, and/or Singularity.
Hybrid Mage - using build that takes various Mage skills into consideration and possibility.
Bounty Hunter[]
See also: Bounty Hunter Abilities
Bounty Hunter offensive builds[]
Adventurer - using build with full Adventurer's set support and 2 Hailstorms.
Dark Assassin - using build with focus on 2 pieces of Assault, Havoc and Stalker set pieces.
Bounty Hunter defensive builds[]
Invisible Killer - using build with high focus on Smoke Screen ability and Lethal Shot/Explosive Shot attack skills.
Trap artist - using build with focus on sneaky long distance attack, especially centered on Frozen Trap and Snipe abilities.