Mage & Minions Wikia

Events are in-game competitions, either based on Leaderboards (Players vs Players in ranking) or single player game-play (collecting certain items, etc., that usually run once a month.

They offer various generous rewards, especially some have Celestial Items in their milestones (A New Beginning).

A New beginning Event[]

A New Beginning Events are collectivization events. They are based on creating a new hero and completing certain milestones with him (the hero can be kept even after "A New Beginning" is over, if there is one of the five hero slots free). Their top-tier reward contains Leaderboards based competition. They are also the only way to obtain powerful Celestial items. Players are limited by certain playtime (see below) during this event type.


A New Beginning is differed into 3 leagues (since February 2019). Each league is based on creating a new hero and completing milestones from anew. The higher the league, the less event time is available for playing this hero.

  • Bronze League - 12 hours of active playtime available
  • Silver League - 9 hours of active playtime available
  • Golden League - 6 hours of active playtime available
Note: Every player has got the same playtime available, offering a fair battle for trials leaderboars ranking.[]


Players can obtain 6 different medals during A New Beginning event based on their ranking in Trials leaderboards. Each medal is given to the player after the event is over. Players gain various buffs on their all heroes when activating these medals. They are eternal and last forever.

Currently held:[]

  • Spring 2018
  • Spring 2018
  • Summer 2018
  • Winter 2018
  • Spring 2019 (introducing league stages)

Seasonal events[]

Seasonal events are smaller events, usually based on single player competition, with various collection or killing milestones. They usually appear on various points in the year, such as seasons, celebrations, etc.

Featured Seasonal events:

  • Carnaval Event
  • Spring Event

Promotion events[]

Promotion events are used to include other game promotions in Eternium.

  • Ironbound event