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Single Stat Jewelry Guide
Uncommon | Rare 1-Stat | Epic 1-Stat | |
Attack Speed | 9.6 | 15.972 | 26.59968 |
Extra Gold | 30 | 39.6 | 57.024 |
Experience | 30 | 39.6 | 57.024 |
Critical Damage | 40 | 52.8 | 76.032 |
Power | 60 | 112.2 | 197.568 |
Vitality | 60 | 112.2 | 197.568 |
Life Regen | 60 | 112.2 | 197.568 |
Critical Rating | 60 | 112.2 | 197.568 |
Ability Rating | 60 | 112.2 | 197.568 |
Armor | 120 | 290.4 | 515.328 |
Damage Reflect | 240 | 316.8 | 418.176 |
Life on Hit | 363.6 | 479.952 | 633.53664 |
- Jewelry values are stored as long decimal values that are only ROUNDED to the displayed digits. This is why you can end up with some variance in your values. For instance, some Epic Vitality rings will display as 198 and some as 197 due to the exact values of the original rings not being exactly 60.0000000. Also, I only tested SOME of these values in game and used the most likely formula to determine others, in the case of formula use, what actually happens in the game could be very different! Also, I'm not including Legendary stats because I can't test many of them in the game and I'm unsure of the exact formulas to calculate the rest of the values at this time (plus they are different if you go with 3 stat or 4 stat Legendaries and the number of possible combinations are just too immense.)
Basic Crafting guide[]
From the menu, you can craft uncommon jewellery with 1 random stat. Random Stats cost gold, chosing a Specific Stat costs Gem, it is a massive waste of Gems to choose a specific Stat. It is strongly recommended to always chose Random Stat.
- 3 uncommon (Green) pieces can be fused in the menu to form 1 rare (Blue) piece. Fuse Tab is next to craft Tab.
- 3 rare (Blue) pieces can be fused to form 1 epic piece
- Finally 3 epic (Purple) pieces can be fused together to form 1 Legendary piece
- To make 1 Legendary piece you will need 27 uncommon (Green) pieces, chose your Stats carefully.
Because you are using Gold to Craft you will make and discard hundreds of sub-optimal Green pieces.
Legendary level items hold 4 stats
You will make 3 Epic pieces.
Two of the (Epic) piece will have only 1 Stat on them [as an example the 3 Green and 3 Blue you use to make the (1) Epic ring will all be made with purely Power Stat]
The third Epic piece will have 2 Stats. This is achieved by Crafting x2 rare (Blue) pieces with purely Attack speed Stat (as an example), with the 3rd rare (Blue) piece having purely Crit Stat (as an example). This gives the 3rd Epic piece x2 Stats.
Experience/Damage (Mage and Warrior) x1 Epic piece of Experience Stat x1 Epic piece of Power Stat x1 Epic piece of 2 parts rare (Blue) Critical Damage + 1 part rare (Blue) Attack Speed
Pure Damage (Mage and Warrior) x1 Epic piece of Power Stat x1 Epic piece of Attack Speed Stat x1 Epic piece of 2 parts rare (Blue) Critical Damage + 1 part rare (Blue) Critical Rating
Experience/Survivability (Warrior, but can be used by mage) x1 Epic piece of Vitality Stat x1 Epic piece of Power Stat x1 Epic piece of 2 parts rare (Blue) Critical Damage + 1 part rare (Blue) Attack Speed
- Note: You can replace critical damage for life on hit if you want more survivability
Power 90 Crit Rate 90 Vitality 90 Ability Rate 90 Experience 45% Attack Speed 14.4% Crit Damage 60% Life on Hit 545.4 Armor 180
Gemstone Tier Used Maximum Power/Vitality/CritRate
No Gemstone 182 Rough 194 Common 206 Teardrop 230 Radiant 254 Trillion 278 Brilliant 301
Decide what you can afford to make.
If you are looking to make nearly perfect pieces, they’ll roughly cost up to 6 million gold each and take roughly 2 days of crafting green jewelry.
They’ll also take up to 39 Brilliant Gemstones depending on which stats you select.
If you’re not willing to spend the time and the high tier gemstones that’s fine, your piece will be less powerful, but most casual players cannot afford to make perfect pieces.
If you decide to use gemstones, make sure you have enough available for each stat you’ve selected to do the fusions per the list in step one.
If you’re using mixed tiers of gemstones that’s also fine, you should use the higher tier gemstones in the green jewelry so that their higher values are compounded by the later fusions and you end up with the highest possible values.
Crit Damage, Experience, and Life on Hit do not have gemstones and will leave their sockets empty unless they are fusing with a stat that has a gemstone.
Clear enough space. You’ll need your entire character inventory empty. You’ll also need enough empty space in your stash to store as many of the 36 high roll jewelry pieces as possible.
This is the extremely tedious part of the process. Go in the crafting tab and hit the Craft button 30 times to fill up your inventory with random stat green jewelry at a cost of 840 gold each.
DO NOT change the “Random Attribute” button to a particular stat because this will cost you 17 gems instead of 840 gold every time you craft one and it WILL NOT give you a better chance of getting a perfect roll for that stat. It is a waste of gems.
Of the 30 jewelries in your inventory most of them will not be one of the 4 stats you want and should be sold. What’s left in your inventory now are just the stats you have selected to keep. You want to keep the 9 highest rolls of your 1st stat, the 9 highest rolls for your 2nd stat, the 6 highest rolls of your 3rd stat, and the 3 highest rolls of your 4th stat and put them in your stash.
You won’t have all the green jewelry you need on your first inventory full of random jewelry, so you’ll need to keep crafting until you do. Once you’ve found enough of each stat, keep the highest rolls and sell the lowest value each time you get too many. Keep going until you run low on gold or cannot stand sitting and crafting anymore.
You may not have perfect pieces at this point, but you have what you can afford.
Advanced guide[]
From the menu, you can craft uncommon jewellery with 1 random stat. Random Stats cost gold, chosing a Specific Stat costs Gem, it is a massive waste of Gems to choose a specific Stat. It is strongly recommended to always chose Random Stat.
3 uncommon (Green) pieces can be fused in the menu to form 1 rare (Blue)piece. Fuse Tab is next to craft Tab.
3 rare (Blue)pieces can be fused to form 1 epic piece
Finally 3 epic (Purple) pieces can be fused together to form 1 Legendary piece
To make 1 Legendary piece you will need 27 uncommon (Green) pieces, chose your Stats carefully.
You will make and discard many hundreds (many thousands if trying for a perfect legendary piece) of sub-optimal Green pieces.
Legendary level items hold 4 stats
You will make 3 Epic pieces.
Two of the (Epic) piece will have only 1 Stat on them
[as an example the 3 Green and 3 Blue you use to make the 1 of these Epic pieces will all be made with purely Power Stat].
[as an example the 3 Green and 3 Blue you use to make the 2nd of these Epic pieces will all be made with purely LOH]
The third Epic piece will have 2 Stats.
This is achieved by Crafting x2 rare (Blue) pieces with purely Attack speed Stat (as an example), with the 3rd rare (Blue) piece having purely Crit Stat (as an example). This gives the 3rd Epic piece x2 Stats.
When you then fuse the 3 Epic (purple) pieces, the final Legendary (yellow) will have 4 Stats
Experience/Damage (Mage and Warrior)
x1 Epic piece of Experience Stat x1 Epic piece of Power Stat x1 Epic piece of 2 parts rare (Blue) Critical Damage + 1 part rare (Blue) Attack Speed
Pure Damage (Mage and Warrior)
x1 Epic piece of Power Stat
x1 Epic piece of Attack Speed Stat
x1 Epic piece of 2 parts rare (Blue) Critical Damage + 1 part rare (Blue) Critical Rating
Survivability (Warrior, but can be used by mage)
x1 Epic piece of Vitality Stat
x1 Epic piece of Power Stat
x1 Epic piece of 2 parts rare (Blue) Critical Damage + 1 part rare (Blue) Attack Speed
Note: You can replace critical damage for life on hit if you want more survivability
Power 90 ............................................ Crit Rate 90 . Vitality 90 Ability Rate 90 Experience 45% Attack Speed 14.4% Crit Damage 60% Life on Hit 545.4 Armour 180 Note: When fusing Uncommons (Greens) you should only need 1 piece with Max stats (i.e. 90 Power) you should be able to get away with an 89 (Power) and 88 (Power) for the other 2 pieces.
[Power used as an example, basically 1 Max stat (90), 1 next lowest (89) and 1 next lowest to that (88) ]
It will tell you the result before you commit to fusing.
Gemstone Tier Used Maximum Power/Vitality/CritRate
No Gemstone 182 Rough 194 Common 206 Teardrop 230 Radiant 254 Trillion 278 Briliiant 301
For example if you make a Legendary piece with Power in it, roll all 90s but use no Jewell's the highest the final Power Stat can be is 182.
[The below piece would also have 3 other stats on it, this is just a pictorial example of the Power (as an example) component.]
However if your 9 Uncommon (Green), 3 Rare (Blue) and 1 Epic (Purple) were also socketed with Brilliant Jewell's the final Legendary piece would have a Stat of 301 Power.
[The below piece would also have 3 other stats on it, this is just a pictorial example of the Power (as an example) component.]
Decide what you can afford to make.
If you are looking to make nearly perfect pieces, they’ll roughly cost up to 6 million gold each and take roughly 2 days of crafting green jewelry.
They’ll also take up to 39 Brilliant Gemstones depending on which stats you select.
If you’re not willing to spend the time and the high tier gemstones that’s fine, your piece will be less powerful, but most casual players cannot afford to make perfect pieces.
If you decide to use gemstones, make sure you have enough available for each stat you’ve selected to do the fusions per the list in step one.
If you’re using mixed tiers of gemstones that’s also fine, you should use the higher tier gemstones in the green jewelry so that their higher values are compounded by the later fusions and you end up with the highest possible values.
Crit Damage, Experience, and Life on Hit do not have gemstones and will leave their sockets empty unless they are fusing with a stat that has a gemstone.
Clear enough space. You’ll need your entire character inventory empty. You’ll also need enough empty space in your stash to store as many of the 36 high roll jewelry pieces as possible.
This is the extremely tedious part of the process. Go in the crafting tab and hit the Craft button 30 times to fill up your inventory with random stat green jewelry at a cost of 840 gold each.
DO NOT change the “Random Attribute” button to a particular stat because this will cost you 17 gems instead of 840 gold every time you craft one and it WILL NOT give you a better chance of getting a perfect roll for that stat. It is a waste of gems.
Of the 30 jewelries in your inventory most of them will not be one of the 4 stats you want and should be sold. What’s left in your inventory now are just the stats you have selected to keep. You want to keep the 9 highest rolls of your 1st stat, the 9 highest rolls for your 2nd stat, the 6 highest rolls of your 3rd stat, and the 3 highest rolls of your 4th stat and put them in your stash.
You won’t have all the green jewelry you need on your first inventory full of random jewelry, so you’ll need to keep crafting until you do. Once you’ve found enough of each stat, keep the highest rolls and sell the lowest value each time you get too many. Keep going until you run low on gold or cannot stand sitting and crafting anymore.
You may not have perfect pieces at this point, but you have what you can afford.
Remember, the Looting and Farming must be done before you can afford this jewellery, as well hours of farming.